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Research Achievement Registration System (RARS) has been upgraded (July 13, 2023)
For more information, please see below.

New reference Database has been added to RARS.(December 6, 2022)
Dimensions ( has been added as a reference database in RARS.
The features of Dimensions are as follows: Compare to the currently using database, Web of Science (WoS)
  • The stored number of articles are more than WoS
    • The number of journal articles and proceedings paper that include RIKEN authors is about 3,900 for Dimensions (in 2021), compared to about 3,500 for WoS.
    • Dimensions has preprint category on addition to article and proceeding.
  • The earlier period of time from the date of the achievement published to referenced in RARS.
    • Dimensions averaged 7 days (median 1 day) while WoS averaged 48 days (median 28 days) in 2021
業績登録システム(RARS)の機能追加(2022 年 12月 6日)
Dimensionsの主な特徴は以下の通りです(Web of Science(WoS)との比較)。
  • 収録されている論文がWoSより多い。
    • 理研著者が含まれる論文(雑誌・プロシーディングス)の数は、WoSが約3500本に対して、Dimensionsが約3900本(2021年)。
    • 雑誌とプロシーディングスとは別にプレプリントも含まれる。
  • 論文出版日からデータベースに登録されてRARSで参照できるまでが早い。
    • WoSが平均48日(中央値28日)に対して、Dimensionsは平均7日(中央値1日)(2021年)。
RARS community channel (#riken_rars_community) has started on Slack. (June 10, 2022)
This channel is for exchanging opinions and sharing information about the Research Achievement Registration System (RARS), including how to use it and examples of its use.
RARS administrators will also participate, but please understand that they will not always be able to answer your questions and requests.

このチャンネルは業績登録システム(RARS) https://rars.riken.jpの使い方や、活用方法などについて意見交換、情報共有する場です。
RARS 管理者も参加しますが、ご質問・ご要望に必ずしもお答えできるわけではないことをご了解ください。
If you are a Visiting Scientist or other guest user, please set the forwarding e-mail address for You will not receive the notification from the system without setting the forwarding address.